
Fachbuch "ir475"

Schlüssel ir475
Verfasser / Herausgeber Gray, Glen L.
Titel Changing Internal Audit Practices in the New Paradigm:
Untertitel The Sarbanes-Oxley Environment
Verlag The Intstitute of Internal Auditors
Erscheinungsort Atamonte Springs FL
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
Katalog Organisation d.Internen Revis.
Schlagwörter Alcatel group audit services, Bringing it all together, Certification of the internal audit function under the, Changing corporate governance, Coordinating auditing activities, Data mining as a detective control, Focused approach to section 404 compliance, Implementing section 404 requirements, Internal auditor perspectives on the new regulatory env, On-demand auditing, Risk management and oportunity process (RAMMO), Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Sarbanes-Oxley activites at an international corporatio, Sarbanes-Oxley titles I - XI overviews, Section 404 documentation by process owners, Summary of case studies