
Fachbuch "cia52"

Schlüssel cia52
Verfasser / Herausgeber Salmasick, Mark and Le Grand, Charles (Verf.)
Titel PC Management Best Practices:
Untertitel A Study of the Total Cost of Ownership. Risk. Security. And Audit
Verlag The Institute of Internal Auditors
Erscheinungsort Atamonte Springs FL
Erscheinungsjahr 2003
Katalog CIA
Schlagwörter A template for documentation and compliance, Business continuity and the PC, Business risk assessmenta and insurance, Conclusion, Enterprise PC management audit assessment, Information security and appropriate use, Key guidance, references, and articles, Legislation, regulation, and compliance, Recommended standards and best practices, Serbanes-Oxley impact on technology, Software management and currency, Survey Results, Technology audit forum, The Systems Assurance and Control (SAC) Model, Total cost of ownership and finance