
Fachbuch "cia67"

Schlüssel cia67
Verfasser / Herausgeber The Institute of Internal Auditors
Titel The Professional Practices Framework
Verlag The Institute of Internal Auditors
Erscheinungsort Altamonte Springs FL
Erscheinungsjahr 2005
Katalog CIA
Schlagwörter Assumption of Non-audit Duties, Assurance, Attribute Standards, Audit charter, Board and Senior Management Reporting, CAE Responsibilities, Compliance with the Standards, Consulting, Disclosures, Engagement Communications, Engagement Performance, Engagement Planning and Scope, Engagement Workpapers, Governance, Independence and Objectivity, Internal Control, International Standards for the Professional Practice, Outsourcing or Co-sourcing, Performance Standards, Practice Advisories, Proficiency and Due Care, Quality Assurance and Improvement Program, Resource Management, Risk Management and Assessment, Risk-based Planning