
Fachbuch "ir385"

Schlüssel ir385
Verfasser / Herausgeber Gray, Glen L. and Gray, Maryann Jacobi
Titel Assurance Services within the Auditing Profession
Verlag The Institute of Internal Auditors
Erscheinungsort Altamonte Springs FL
Erscheinungsjahr 2000
Katalog Prüfungsdurchführung
Schlagwörter AICPA/CICA, Ameritech: Business Process Auditing, An Action Plan for Internal Auditors, Corporate Quality Rewive - Inquiry Accuracy, Customer Performance Assurance Services, FedEx Express:ll System Development Assurance Service, Financial Statements and Government Compliance Assuranc, Focus Group Discussions: Internal Auditor Perspectives, Professional Standards, Relocation of the Royal Easter Show, Risk Assessment, Summary of case studies, System Reliability Assurance for Service Bureaus