Schlüssel | ir446 |
Verfasser / Herausgeber | ECIIA |
Titel | Position paper on internal auditing in Europe |
Untertitel | |
Verlag | Institut of Internal Auditing |
Erscheinungsort | Antwerpen |
Erscheinungsjahr | 1996 |
Heft | |
Fundort | |
Katalog | Sonstiges |
Schlagwörter | A Historical Perspective, Accountability, Consquences for Management, Control Self Assessment, Corporate Governance, Definition, Purpose and Scorpe of Internal Auditing, Internal Audit, Internal Control, Key Conclusions, Key Conclusions - Internal Research, Need for Regulation, Organising an Internal Audit Function, Stakeholders Needs, Statutory (external) Audit, The Need for Internal Audit |