
Fachbuch "ir558"

Schlüssel ir558
Verfasser / Herausgeber ECIIA
Titel ECIIA - Yearbook of Internal Audit
Untertitel 2009/2010: Best Practices for a Reliable Management
Verlag Erich Schmidt Verlag
Erscheinungsort Berlin
Erscheinungsjahr 2009
Katalog Allgemeine Literatur
Schlagwörter A difficult, demanding job that needs to be part of a b, A tool with undesirable side-effects, Auditing becomes ethical, Capitalism in free fall, Client auditor feedback, Credit crunch impacts, DIIR Audit Standard No. 4, End-user applications - yet again, Ethical practices, If you thenk you have worked it out, think again, Implementing COBIT based process assessment model, Information about the work of the IIA Committee on Qual, Internal audit management, Internal audit mehodology, Internal audit practices, IT-Audit, Soft contorls, Standard for audit projects: Definitions and rules, System error, The antidote in the drawer, The future of internal audit, What are the hallmarksof a successful internal auditor?