
Fachbuch "IR573"

Schlüssel IR573
Verfasser / Herausgeber ECIIA
Titel Global Management Challenges for Internal Auditors
Untertitel ECIIA Yearbook of Internal Audit 2010/11
Verlag Erich Schmidt Verlag
Erscheinungsort Berlin
Erscheinungsjahr 2010
Katalog Allgemeine Literatur
Schlagwörter Audit Marketing, Company Culture is Worth th Cost, Continous Auditing: Myth and Reality, Contribution by Internal Audit to IT Compliance, Doing More with Less, Efficient Risk Management in Leasing Companies, Governance Works, in Principle, Internal Auditor - Generalist or Specialist, International Audit Standards, International Professional Practice Framework, Performance Measurement and Controlling of Internal Aud, The Financial Sector: Risks, Controls and Assurance